I was born when male doctors were pushing manufactured (high fructose corn syrup) formula. My mother refused to listen to them and breast fed. Her maternal analysis was: "God doesn't create crap!"
With the advent of science, we are learning how incredibly brilliant breast milk is, between the mother's enzymes and the baby's saliva, what an phenomenal superfood it is, providing babies with invaluable microbes custom-tailored to their individual needs.
I was born on a farm, and if newborn baby animals did not receive colostrum milk (produced by the mammary glands at the time of birth and present the first few days to weeks), they would inevitably die from not having these essential nutrients and immune basic building blocks, designed by nature to support life. And how convenient this brilliant design is, truly!
Guess what we still do not know about the value of mother's milk? Breast milk researcher Katie Hinde shares why, in her recent Ted Talk. Enjoy and be amazed, at nature's brilliant design!
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Amazing post.
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