Beekeepers for Change - Win/Win for People and Planet

In Montreal, Canada an innovative approach aimed at developing social and professional skills, homeless get back on their feet apprenticing in an urban beekeeping program.
Apprentice John Levasseur says beekeeping is “like therapy” to him.
Homeless care center Accueil Bonneau, participate in the Le Miel de Bonneau program, which began four years ago, and now has 60 beehives in seven locations across the city. Beekeeping company Alvéole trains beekeeping apprentices to work on maintaining beehives, producing and harvesting honey, and even participating in sales and promotional activities. Proceeds from the sales finance and help run daily operations.
This innovative approach, benefiting people and planet, is beyond measure!
"There would be no life on Earth, without bees, they are the pollinators of this spectrum's canvas of life!" ~Maharlikan Grandmother
Humans like to think that we rule the planet, but our stewardship has been anything but successful. Bees rule, it's appropriate (and beautiful) bees are helping (and healing) those who are most fragile in our communities. Time we stop destroying, and begin caring, as love is for giving, after all!
The Crazy World of Bees Documentary
More about Alveole:
Source: Urban Beekeeping Helping the Homeless Get Back on Their Feet