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Invitation & Gift

Lisa Clapier

Hello, My name is Lisa... I am a steward of

I have an invitation for you... a quest!

A social experiment into a true discovery of humanities greatest potential!

The invitation is this...

What are you passionate about? What makes your heart sing? What creative expression of joy, are you ready to explore about yourself!

For over 5 years I have been broadcasting cultures of peace. We have discovered there are nine memes of passion in an ethical civil society. Which one of these nine areas, are you most passionate about, all in harmony with nature:

Art Education Environment Infrastructure Health (wellness) Media (authentic media) Relationships Spirituality

Technology (science)

At we curate evolutionary best practices and solutions!

We follow three basic principles, we call aspects of the sacred feminine, beatitudes: Love, Peace, Wisdom

When at any choice point in life, ask yourself these three questions? What would love do? What would peace do? What would wisdom do? Average those three answers, and do THAT... it is simple when we eliminate the story in our mind, and allow our heart's intelligence to lead.

The most beautiful optimal solutions emerges autonomously when led by; Love Peace and Wisdom; listening to the still small voice of your hearts IQ!

If you would like to be free to discover your true potential, If you would like to know why you are here on this beautiful Mother Earth, At this amazing opportunity in humanities history,

Then we would like to know you!

This is not a portal of seekers... This is a sacred quest in discovery, creating a noble story together!

I invite you to embark on this journey with us!

Please consider joining our love for our Mother Earth, and our dignity and respect as brothers and sisters. One of Love, for all, inclusive, open sourced, interactive, participatory... the freedom to pursue yourself! Liberty to live in joy, sharing and caring... as a steward of your own life!

We have a gift for you! Please click the link below, for a beautiful video about Love Peace & Wisdom

From hereon we will be providing a regular video on events going on in the world, things we feel you will be interested in knowing.

And I welcome you home, into a loving family community of brothers and sisters... Supporting your true nature, one in harmony with our precious Mother Earth, our home! Together, for everyone, everywhere!

And may god bless you and keep you, your family and friends, and all that you hold precious in your heart safe! Today!

And I love you, very much!

~ Lisa Clapier

Unanimous - Love, Peace, Wisdom (video)

Video Invitation of the above, can be watched here:

Copyright 2016 Lisa Clapier All Rights Reserved

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